"Offering Products And Services For Enjoyment, Well-Being, And Peace Of Mind"

 - - - SNOW REMOVAL - - -


As you may know, municipalities in general have laws requiring the removal of snow from the sidewalks adjacent to a home or business within a certain period of time after it stops snowing.

In the City and County of Denver, business owners have four hours after the cessation of snowfall to clear their walks. Homeowners and home renters have 24 hours after the snow ends to do the job.

Aside from the obvious safety concerns associated with a pedestrian slipping and falling on uncleared sidewalk surfaces, failure to either remove snow oneself or to have the snow removed from sidewalks proves particularly problematic to wheelchair users, senior citizens, and others with mobility issues. In the case of many bus stops next to a home or business, the presence of snow and ice renders these bus stops unusable altogether or usable only with great difficulty. This requires people to either wait in the street for the bus -- particularly dangerous on a busy street -- or at the nearest intersection, in which case a bus could "pass them up" thus failing to pick up these passengers.

Many owners and renters of corner properties on which the busy street is on the side of the property rather than the front of the property fail to realize that not only are they responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of the property but also those on either side and at the rear of the property where applicable.

The purpose of this page is to connect those who need snow removal services with those who provide them.

To determine whether snow removal services coordinated via this web page are available in your area, please let us know the nearest major intersection to your home or business. Using our "Contact" page, you can send this information to the P. O. box or email address listed there or you can contact us by phone with this information.


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